EnglishBad LauterbergBad LauterbergGroßbodungen +49 (0)5524 9216-0 +49 (0)36077 92332

Financial and Payroll Accounting

  • Bookkeeping with account assignment, intake, evaluation and control, and financial accounting for special industry solutions.
  • Digital bookkeeping – our innovative offer for paperless accounting.
  • Up-to-date bookkeeping.
  • Electronic document archiving in the DATEV data centre.
  • Individual business management evaluations.
  • Cost accounting.
  • Asset accounting.
  • Establishment of EDP-supported bookkeeping in our clients’ companies.
  • Support and training of employees in these areas.
  • Payroll accounting, including all evaluations and notifications.
  • Short-time working allowance.
  • Advice on income tax and social security law.
  • Support for income tax audits and audits by social security institutions and employment offices.
  • Archiving according to GDPdU (principles for data access and verifiability of digital documents).
  • Construction pay slips.